Girls’ Night Knowledge

No on ever claims to be an “expert” when it comes to hosting Girls’ Nights. Especially someone like me, who has the same amount, if not more of, guy friends as girl friends. I enjoy a beer with boys, but brunch with the girls has the capabilities to be beyond healing. I love both.

But Girls’ Night, in its purest form, is a female tribe bonding and raising one another. I guess. And for the best bonding, your environment’s gotta be right. Your setting. Your platform. And as Tribe Mother i take my responsibility for bonding very seriously. So, to celebrate the setting of the stage for late night gossip and female bonding, this post is loaded with simple, savvy tips for hosting.

Food & Drink for Days

Step 1 is snackage. Because nothing gets people talking like a communal bowl of guacamole or bag of popcorn.

You know what else gets the girls talking? Alcohol. Wine, Margaritas, or good ol’ Cosmopolitans, loose lips sink ships, and loose lips make for a more entertaining, wall-breaking Girls’ Night.

But seriously, you can’t go all willy nilly on the drink & snack combos. They have to have the same mood. For example, shame on you for pairing potato skins with Martinis. The girls don’t know if they’re suppose to play darts or go 007 on you. Set a mood, a tone. Like this:


Wine and popcorn? Check. A comfortable, down to earth yet not-so-messy idea that might actually be good for you, depending on your wine selection. Another great combo guide:

bd72cf49612e8c3ce66052f884c5daecI mean, the beer’s plenty easy to get a hold of and serve, so going all out on the food selection may be your way of showing the girls you care. I know I appreciate the handmade apps that get passed around our table, even if we’re voting to go with the cheapest alcohol on the shelf.

It’s more personal, more comfortable.

My overall advice on the food and drink? Keep it simple, keep it classy, and keep it cool. Yes, chips and queso and Margaritas go well together, but don’t bust out the flan and fajitas, too. That’s just overkill.

But also keep in mind what KIND of night you want to have. Vodka crans may lead you down a road of some really eye-opening conversation and maybe some tears, but if you have to keep getting up to make sliders as your lady tribe tear through them, you’re going to lose out some key emotional place-setting.

So if you’re going with a more difficult or hands-on food selection, make a bunch before the night begins. Don’t give yourself the “make some now and if you need more later, make more.” pep talk. You & I both know you won’t feel like doing so when the time comes.

Speaking from experience, here. Don’t kill the mood by being a slave to your kitchen, regardless of how great those flatbreads are.


So Much Room for Activities!

Step 2 is entertainment. Now, I know the easiest casual hangout is Netflix and Chill, remember that its not your only option. (Although a Chopped marathon over a bottle of wine is pretty much home base for me at this point.)

We alternate between going out and staying in. And when we stay in, my lady tribe has several options: Poker, Movies, or Board Games. Typical activities for the mildly competitive group of females. Going out? Dinner, dancing, or shopping.

Again, the moral to this story is simple: Set a tone.

– While movies give you plenty of time flexibility and can set different tones, if you pick something super engaging to watch, you may not get much conversation.
– Poker or the like gives you a platform for chatter and great eye contact, but if any of your girls are hyper-competitive, they may not be so social after losing a few hands.
– Board Games are great for conversation, too. Just be sure not to put the two brainiacs on the same team if you’re playing Trivial Pursuit. That won’t end well. Trust me.
– Going out to dinner puts a lot of pressure on the restaurant choice, but is pretty level-headed as far as your competitive spirits. Make sure no ones too picky.
– Dancing is fine, but you risk having to deal with drunk men who think you’re asking to be taken home. (Sorry dudes, we’re never asking for that.)
– Shopping is great, gets you up and about, but can stack up quick as the most expensive option if you’re not careful. Remember that whoever has the least amount of money won’t enjoy themselves as much, or ends the outing early.

Final Thoughts

I know two categories may not seem like much, but Girls’ Night can be simple if you let it. So, let it! You know your tribe, you know the vibe you want during Girls’ Night. Make sure your attention to detail and planning reflects that.

Your girls will thank you.

~ M

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