Writing Prompt: Sweet Tooth

So, limited creativity today has me at a standstill. I look up writing prompts to get the creative juices flowing, and today I come across:

Sugar Cravings: Write something so sweet it gives you a toothache.

My reaction: Okay? That doesn’t give me much but an attitude. As much as I appreciate sweet things, and consider myself a fairly sweet person, I don’t think I can write sweetly.

What classifies something as sweet, anyway? How am I supposed to write something sweet if I don’t even know what sweet is, technically speaking?

I mean, sure, you can say that something kind and heartfelt and pleasing is sweet, but there are a lot of things that are kind and heartfelt and pleasing that I wouldn’t consider sweet. Doing the dishes, for instance. But sweet refers to taste.

And there it is. Taste. A directive given to sugary food items, but is also lent to an identification of personal preference, “That’s just not my taste.”

So, here are the sweetest things (by my taste):

A Piña Colada.
“Good morning beautiful.” messaging.
Kissing your pets goodbye whenever you leave the house.
Kissing your pets hello whenever you get home.
Tipping your hairstylist in food, chocolate, or flowers (if you’re cool like that, I mean).
Turning off the Xbox to see what’s really important.
Red wine while cooking, eating, and after dinner.
Playing with someone’s hair while chatting.
Dried, candied mango slices.
Sacrifice for another, in any form.
Calling me the Carrie Bradshaw of the group.
Unsolicited coffee.

Anything else? There’s a bunch of things I could list. But I think I’ll stop before I reach toothache status, thank you very much.


~ M

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